The reason why you need this group of tummy fat burning veggies is that your body is constantly infiltrated, or attacked if you will, by chemicals known as xenoestrogens. These are industrial chemicals and compounds which have estrogenic affects on your body and may cause the body to store more fat in the abdominal area, making you fatter around the midsection.
Xenoestrogens are pretty common in industrialized, modern, developed countries. These chemicals are used in insecticides, cleaning materials, and can even be found in certain foods and, some say, are even found in our water supply. You can reduce how much xenoestrogens you have in your body by eating right and focusing on organic, unprocessed foods. However, it is impossible to avoid them completely if you live in any modern way.
Belly fat isn't the only thing which you need to be concerned with here. Some studies show that xenoestrogens are linked to various cancers and other health issues. So, this is not just a cosmetic issue but a health issue as well.
The good news is that some vegetables can fight the effects of xenoestrogens. These are mainly cruciferous veggies such as cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts and other green leafy vegetables. Because these vegetables are rich in indole-3-carbinol, an element that fights the affects of xenoestrogens, eating more of these veggies regularly can help you to avoid excessive fat gain in your abdomen.
Cruciferous vegetables that burn abdominal fat have other healthy benefits such as being rich in Vitamins A, C, and K as well as other beneficial elements. So, eating more of these can benefit your health in all sorts of ways. Being good for a flat tummy is just the icing on the cake, so to speak.
To reduce the affects of xenoestrogens on the body you need to avoid insecticides, pesticides, and products with DDT and so on. Remember, this is something that affects your health and not just how you look. In addition, begin including cruciferous veggies in your diet starting today.
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