55 tips for breaking out of your rut..

You’ve hit the slump. That dreaded, dreaded slump. You’ve heard that this could happen, that you could be going strong, losing weight like crazy, then BAM. It stops, just like that! So here’s the big question: What is a fitness plateau anyway? We’ve compiled answers, as well as some tips and tricks to help you stay motivated to lose weight.

fitness plateau

A plateau is when your body becomes used to the stresses you put on it. In other words, your body has outsmarted your efforts at losing weight. It knows what to expect. In order to push past that pesky plateau, you have to change your routine and push yourself harder. It’s easy to become discouraged during the slump, but we promise these 55 tips will help you power through and give you the weight loss motivation you need.

1. Let your body recover. Give your body a break. That doesn’t mean you ditch your diet and exercise altogether, but you need to slow it down before you push things back into full gear. Go on walks at night instead of a trip to the gym. This is the first step, and it shouldn’t last longer than a week!

2. Keep an eye on your diet. If you’ve been dieting, chances are that you’ve cheated a couple times along the way. You start to see progress on the scale and in your measurements, so it wouldn’t hurt to eat a couple cookies after lunch, right? After all, you’re going to the gym and you’ll work it off. Wrong! The more weight you lose, the easier it is to become complacent. Don’t lose track of your diet, and guard yourself against little cheats throughout the day.

3. Sleepy time is super important. There are tons of studies about the importance of sleep for weight loss, so why doesn’t anybody make sleep a priority? Go to bed 15 minutes earlier for one week, then 20 the next week, then 30 the next. Small increments of added sleep will help your body become accustomed to a longer rest at night. You need that rest for your body to recover.

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4. Try something new. If you’re trying to lose weight and you can’t seem to lose another pound no matter how well you eat and how hard you exercise, it’s time to try something new. Have you been taking brisk walks every night for an hour? It’s time to add a walk/run routine. Have you been using the elliptical each night at the gym? Try a HIIT workout instead! Your body needs to be shocked into paying attention to your weight loss goals, and the only way to do that is to scare it into submission.

5. Make a new playlist. Your old gym music no longer gets your heart pumping, so it’s time to delete it and start fresh. A new playlist with fresh songs and up-beat rhythms will keep you focused on your workout and give you energy. Try our suggested workout playlist here!

Woman Running with Music
6. Get a workout buddy. Having someone who shares your goals will keep you from slacking on nights when you’re tired but you know you should go to the gym. Just knowing that someone else is counting on you to work out with them will keep you on track.

7. Get meticulous. Don’t let anything slide. Track your weight reps, your miles on the treadmill, your calorie intake—everything! Especially if you’re looking to lose weight, being able to compare your numbers day-to-day will help you see the areas that need change. Have you not broken three miles on the treadmill? Time to make it 4, then 5, then 6!

Woman running in gym shoes on treadmill.

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