30-Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout for Beginners

Yoga can truly be an incredible workout and can really transform your body if you put your mind to it!
They key is to focus your concentration on your body while you are holding and performing poses.

Focus on how they make you feel, and how you can improve.

Focus on what feels “stiff” and what feels like it can be opened up a little more.  This is how you will begin to unlock the real potential and capabilities of your body!

Some of these poses are “two-sided,” meaning that you should perform them on both sides of the body (right then left, or vice versa) before moving onto the next pose.

You will want to try to hold each pose for 30 seconds before moving on to the next side or the next pose.  If you can’t hold it for a full 30 seconds, take a second to rest, and try again!

After you have completed all of the poses one time through, rest for a minute or two, and then repeat them again!  Go for 3 full rounds total, which should be about 30 minutes!

Remember to always breathe deeply through the stretches!  Long, deep breaths will help your concentration greatly!

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